The spectrum may be expanded to see a portion of the data in greater detail. Also, there is provision for reversing the X-axis. Finally, note the capability to mark the peak frequencies. The program reads and processes IR data stored in the following six formats:
Perkin-Elmer 1600 spectrum file (xxx.sp) and interferogram file (xxx.ig)
Jcamp file (xxx.jdx)
SpectraCalc (xxx.spc), or Grams file
Nicolet OMNIC file (xxx.spa)
User has choice of %T or Absorbance for the Y-axis.
The spectrum may be expanded to see a portion of the data in greater detail. Also, there is provision for reversing the X-axis. Finally, note the capability to mark the peak frequencies.
A hard copy of the spectrum can be produced on a Windows printer. Alternately the data may be saved as a file of X,Y points (or printed as a list of X,Y points) Finally the image may be saved as a bitmap or a Windows metafile. The metafile format is useful in that the spectrum can be resized without any loss of resolution.
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